Friday, October 19, 2012

"Malibu Lake" Won an AWARD!

Hey There,

I am so excited, I got 3 paintings into the Southern California Plein Air Painters Online show: "On Location." One of my paintings has won an award!!!! "Malibu Lake" has won an HONORABLE MENTION AWARD!!!  I FEEL SO blessed!! Go check out the show at the link below!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Summer Reflections," SOLD!!

Hi everybody!

I am very excited to announce that I sold my first painting at Brights Gallery: Canadian Fine Art!

My painting is titled "Summer Reflections" I feel so blessed!!!  Thank you Diana for buying my painting!  Made my week!

"Summer Reflections," Oil on Canvas, 24" x 20"

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

3 Paintings got into an Online Show!

Hi everybody,

Southern California Plein Air Painters Association has an "On Location" 2012 Online Exhibition!
I am honored to say that 3 of my paintings got into this show!  Which 3 paintings?  
  1. "Lake Malibu," Oil 12"x12" $450.00
  2. "Plein Air Painting," Oil 12"x9" $400.00
  3. "Bermuda," Oil 9"x12" $400.00
This show is extremely cool.  To qualify, one had to paint the painting "plein air" aka on-sight, from the beginning of the painting to the finish of each painting.  Nothing "in-studio," so that's pretty fun.

What else is really neat about this show is that 100% of the sales of each painting in this show goes to solely to the ARTIST!!! All through PayPal.  How AWESOME is THAT!?!

So, please check out my work and all the other artists' work!  If you want to buy any of the paintings, you will know that 100% of the sales will go to the artist who made that painting!  

Please check out the sight with the link below, there is a lot of great art in the show!

"Malibu Lake," Oil 12"x12" 

"Plein Air Painting," Oil 12"x9"

"Bermuda" Oil 9"x12"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Yoshi Lying" got into an online art COMPETITION!

"Yoshi Lying," 12"x16" oil on canvas
Hey everyone,
I'm excited to announce that "Yoshi Lying," was accepted into the Richeson75Online art competition: Animals, Birds, & Wildlife.  I'm very honored and excited to be a part of this show. Now, it's not for sale, because it's been sold a while ago.  But, I might be able to win an award.  I may not win an award.   But, I feel like I've won (I know, cliche).  Not many art pieces get accepted into the show, only 75.  That may seem like a lot, yet, consider how many people can enter into an online competition.  Thanks Richeson75 for seeing something in my work!

The online exhibit officially opens on November 15th!  The winners will be announced on December 15th!  I'll keep all of you posted!

Have a Great OCTOBER!