Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013. Demos & Painting!! Busy Art Day!

Hey There!

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! Today has been an extremely fun and productive day!! I went to El Matador State Beach in Malibu with my Saturday Plein Air Painting Class. It was a bit misty and foggy at first, but, it warmed up a bit, so we weren't too cold while painting.

After class, I came back home and started a new painting of 2 cowgirls riding horses. I've been wanting to do Southwest inspired artwork for a while, my Grandpa was a cowboy after all. I am so happy that I started this, it's really enjoyable. Expect more horse paintings from me! Also, I'll keep you posted on the progress of this particular painting as well!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope you like my paintings!

"El Matador State Beach," Oil on Panel, 9"x12"

In-progress painting. Very beginning stages.

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