Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Post! Painting is a Journey.

This will be my online artist journal!  Welcome to my Blog!

Apologies to Grammar Nazis, this is an artist journal, not a newspaper article.  So, deal iwht my mistakes.

There is one fundamental question: Why do I paint? 
The simple answer is because I like to, but, that's also the boring answer.  The truth is there is no single answer to why I make art.  For me, painting has always been a journey, not a set destination.  Each painting that I make tells a story. They portray a story of the subject matter within the painting or my process of making art.  I LOVE painting because of the process!  If I only liked the end result, painting would be laborious.  To me, painting is fun and MesSY.  I enjoy that MesSineSS, the smell of the oils, & the rich colors that I can produce!  Besides the pure enjoyment of creating something new I've been realizing recently that there is another reason why I paint.  
Reason # 2 to Why do I paint?
It seems to be the decade of Escapism.  The reason why so many people go to a movie, read a book, play a video game, is the same reason why I paint.  It is nice to take a break from reality.  Don't get me wrong, I don't lose sight between reality and fantasy.  Yet, with the economic struggle: seeing friends of mine with Masters Degree's not being able to get jobs in their chosen profession, seeing other friends go back to school because there are no jobs, moving back home with my parents' for the third time, sometimes I just need a break from reality.  I need to paint, listen to music, create, and not be concerned of things that I cannot control.  

WELL.... ENOUGH SERIOUS TALK FOR NOW.  What is currently on my easel?  
Obviously this painting is "in-progress," I think it's 16"x20".  I'm trying to exaggerate the colors, not the values.
"The Inlet," 12"x16".  This is a study for a 20"x30" painting.

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