Monday, May 14, 2012

New Series I'm working on! May 2012!

Hi Everyone!

Well it's been extremely eventful for me lately. My sister graduated from California Lutheran University on May 12th with a Business Marketing major. Maybe she'll be able to help promote me ;)  Also, Mother's day is always a big event with my family.  It's been an enjoyable, lovely month.  I'm blessed to have a family that is so supportive of me and my work.  For instance, my Uncle & Grandpa work together and they gave me one of their offices to use as my studio.  It is so kind of them, they just wanted to help in any way that they can.  My parents are absolutely selfless and wonderful!  They never try to pressure me into doing anything but I want to do, plus so much more!  So I am thankful for them! 

Enough with my thankful rant, back to art!  I am currently working on a new series of paintings for a gallery.  The gallery owner loved my painting "Rainy Night 1," and told me to do a series of 4 paintings of people walking in the rain and they will represent me!  I'll share the gallery name once I actually have my paintings finished and mailed out to them!  Until then, let me show you my current series of paintings that I'm working on!

As you can see below, none of the paintings are finished, I'm just happy with the progress that I've made thus far.  Please feel free to leave any comments and let me know what you think of my work!  I appreciate all the feedback that I can get!

I promise that I'll post sooner next time!  I need to get used to blogging :) 

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