Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 2013. Horse progressions with multiple paintings.

Hello Everyone!

Here are 2 paintings that I've been working on the past couple of days. One, I just finished the drawing today. It's of a horse running, I'm happy with the proportions and the motion.

The second painting is a detail of my cowgirl painting, I'm getting closer with this painting which makes me extremely excited!

Both of these paintings will be for a 3 person show that I will be in.  This 3 person art show will include 2 very talented artists and good friends of mine: Sidarth Chaturvedi and Lindsey Millikan.  If you click on their names above, it should send you to their websites, pretty cool work!

The show should be very fun! It will be at The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, opening day TBA, most likely Saturday June, 16th. I will keep you all posted on the info!

Meanwhile, I hope you like my art!

Detail of my cowgirls painting, 20" x 24"
Finished drawing for a painting, 22" x 28"

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