Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013, Life in Art


Today, was an extremely productive day.  I have continued on with my pastel painting of a portrait of a girl wearing a red hat. Also, I worked on an oil painting that is very close to being finished! I'm super happy with my progress of both pieces thus far!  I love it when your creative juices are flowing and all you can do is make art!  It is truly a joyous feeling!

I'm posting 4 pictures. One, of the oil painting in progress titled "Window Shopping 2." The other 3 photos are various in-progress pictures of my pastel painting. Now, remember that neither pieces are FINISHED yet, there is still a lot of WORK to be DONE! Please keep this in mind. I HOPE YOU ENJOY! COMMENTS WELCOME!
"Window Shopping 2" In-progress. 20"x24"

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