Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hey there everyone!

I hope that you had a lovely holiday and your week is starting off right! Today, I continued working on my painting of the woman with the afro.  I am finished with my block-in.

To all of you who are not artists, a "block-in," pretty much is like it sounds. To put it simply, I don't have any details finished, all I have is the first lay-in of colors for all my shapes in the painting. The point is not to have any of the canvas showing through. It's helpful to get the right values and see if the composition looks good with your initial color choices. So far, I am pleased. I hope you like it!

Here is the painting, still, not finished! Also, I have another photo of my NEW STUDIO!! SUPER EXCITED!

In-progress painting, 30"x15"


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