Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013. Last day of February!

Hey There!

I am happy to show you my progress on my boy with the newsies hat! I'm so happy with it! I hope you like it as much as I'm enjoying painting this cutie!

Work in Progress currently without a title, 20"x16" Oil on Canvas

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013. Plein Air Painting!

Hey There!

Today, I had my first day of my plein air painting workshop!

Since none of my students have ever worked with oil paint before I decided to give them a demo from start to finish. We were at my Grandparents house and I painted in their front yard. Unlike most front yards with a lawn, they have CACTI! Lots of fun to paint!

Without further ado, here is my Plein Air Painting! ENJOY!

"Sharp Edges," 12"x 9" Oil on Board
If you have any questions about the workshop, feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013. Why I "Just Keep Painting"

Hello Everybody!

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend!

Now, I've said that I will blog about anything art related.  This includes anything good or not favorable. Recently, I found out that my pieces I submitted into an art competition located in Colorado did not get accepted. This is the fifth competition this year that I haven't gotten my work into.

Now, of course I would love to get my work into all of those shows, that is why I try in the first place. But, as with everyone in life, no matter what you do for a living, there is not always going to be a yes or the response one hoped for.  I could have a defeatist attitude, yet, this will not accomplish anything. As an artist, I know Art IS Subjective. Each person has a different view of art and what they prefer.

Instead of feeling down, I feel like a light has been fired up and I need to paint more, teach more, learn more! Today, I taught my first Pastel Class and it was so amazing to see my students (many who have no art experience) be completely enthralled in ART!  So, while today I was not in the mood to paint, sharing my knowledge of art with my students was just as gratifying, if not more!

One thing I have discovered about Art & Life is that it never ends up how you expect. And this is why I Just Keep Painting!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013. Continued In-Progress Commission

Hey There!

So, here is the continued work of my commissioned painting. I'm happy with the start! I hope you ENJOY!

In-Progress, Oil on Canvas, 20"x16"

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013. Another Quick STudy!

Hi There!

Today was a lovely and artistic day! Every Wednesday, I meet up with a wonderful student, Maya, for private lessons. She is 10 years old. Today, she just finished her first oil painting under my instruction that was not of a cartoon! It turned out great! She has so much promise and passion for art that she gives me a breath of fresh air filled with creativity and wonder!

Right after teaching Maya, I went straight over to The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, California. I finished a Quick Study of Tenaya Lake in Yosemite.

Inspiration can come from anywhere, it is awesome when it is drawn from a student and passed to her teacher! Thanks Maya! I enjoyed painting this so much! I hope you all LIKE IT!


"Tenaya Lake," Oil on Panel, 8"x10"

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013. In-Progress Commission!

Hey There!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Today has been a wonderfully creative day!  I started adding color to my boy with the newsies hat.  I'm pretty happy thus far! Obviously there is still a lot of work to be done! Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!

In-progress painting 20"x16"

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013. Quick Study & In-progress Work

Hey There!

I hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day! I did paint yesterday, but, I also got to celebrate so I didn't BLOG yesterday. For this, I apologize.

Yesterday, I finished another quick study of the Resident Kitty at The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, California. It's another 8"x 8" painting done with oil on panel. The title for this painting is the name of the kitten: "Mouse"

I hope you enjoy it! Mouse keeps me company while I paint at the gallery. It's a lot of fun and sometimes it can be distracting.

Today, I worked on a commissioned portrait of a boy with a newsies hat. This painting will be sold with the painting of "Georgia in Pink." I just started the painting, I hope you like the drawing.

"Mouse," Oil on Panel, 8" x 8"

Currently In-progress & Untitled painting 20" x 16"

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013. Happy 90th Birthday Grandpa!

Hello Everyone,

Today is a very special day! Today, is not about me or my art but a very special person in my life! It is my Grandfather, Leon Frank's 90th Birthday! Yes, 90! For those of you who may not know, my Grandpa is the whole reason why I became an artist. He inspired me to make art! When I was a child, I would watch my Grandpa paint in oils. I would sit on the ground, grab some paper, color pencils, and go at it. 

While I have had the opportunity to go to both to Undergrad and Graduate School in Art, my Grandpa was not as fortunate. He always loved art, but, it was more of a hobby instead of a career. Leon Frank is a "self-taught" artist. And, at 90 years old, he still wants to learn more about drawing and painting. He asked if I could continue teaching him starting this year.

I don't know how he does it, but, he has inspired me yet again! This is what being a TRUE ARTIST is all about! It's about always wanting to improve upon your work and grow! There is never a point when you are satisfied, this is why we keep on painting! The more we do, the better (hopefully), we get.  It is an honor to teach a man who IS the reason WHY I became INTRIGUED with ART!

Below is a painting done my Grandfather, Leon Frank, of Yosemite, California. Also, a picture of my Grandparents when my Grandpa was only 85, he looks pretty much the same. He still works 6 days a week! If this does not inspire you, then I don't know what could!??!


Leon Frank, "Yosemite"

Picture of my Grandparents Leon & Peggy Frank, taken 5 years ago.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday, February 9, 2013. Finished a PAinting!


I'm excited to show you my NEW finished PAINTING! I would really appreciate help with a TITLE for this one, my thought is very boring: Window Shopping 2. Feel free to leave COMMENTS! I would appreciate any input!

Thanks & ENJOY!

Currently Not Titled, 20"x24" Oil on Canvas

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013. Work In-Progress

Hey There!

Yesterday, I worked on art! But, my day was extremely busy that I wasn't able to BLOG about my ART. For that, I apologize.  Without further ado, here is a work-in-progress that is being painted at the Agoura Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, CA!

ENJOY! Remember, it's not quite finished. It's more in the "Block-In Stage." I still have a lot of refining to do.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday, February 6, 2013. Another Quick Study!

Hey There!

I worked on another quick study today! I'm really having fun with color and keeping my brushwork loose. It's a painting of a cute papillon puppy. I hope you like it!

I've decided to title my horse painting "Curious"

So far untitled, 8"x 8" oil on panel

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013. Lots of PAINTING!

Hello There!

Today, I was in the groove and got a lot of work done!

I worked on a commission, "Georgia in Pink." This time the artwork is done with oil paint and the size is 20"x16".

For those of you who don't know what a QUICK STUDY is, it's a painting done in 2 hours or LESS!
FIRST time I tried painting a HORSE! It's 8" x 8". I'm pretty HAPPY with the OUTCOME!




In-progress 20"x16"

Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013. Work in-progress and some news!

Hey Everybody!

Today is the first day of February and it has been a wonderful day of art! Today, was my last class of Drawing Workshop for the Winter Session that I teach at Conejo Valley Adult School.  I am extremely proud of my students! They have improved a lot!

NEW CLASSES!  I will be teaching 4 classes this up and coming Spring Session at Conejo!

  1. Beginning Drawing: 10 Fridays, February 22nd-- May 3rd, 2013, (no class on March 29th) Cost: $135 plus $30 material fee 
  2. Drawing Workshop: 10 Fridays, February 22nd-- May 3rd, 2013, (no class on March 29th) Cost: $135 plus $5 material fee
  3. Pastel for Beginners: 8 Mondays, February 25th-- April 22nd, 2013, (no class on March 25th) Cost: $120 plus $30 material fee
  4. Plein Air Painting: 8 Saturdays, March 9th-- May 4th, 2013, (no class on March 30th)         Cost: $135 plus $45 material fee
Go online at   or call (805) 497-2761 to Register for Classes

Not only do I have News on my Conejo Valley Adult School classes, I also worked on a NEW PAINTING TODAY!! I hope you enjoy!