Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013. Happy 90th Birthday Grandpa!

Hello Everyone,

Today is a very special day! Today, is not about me or my art but a very special person in my life! It is my Grandfather, Leon Frank's 90th Birthday! Yes, 90! For those of you who may not know, my Grandpa is the whole reason why I became an artist. He inspired me to make art! When I was a child, I would watch my Grandpa paint in oils. I would sit on the ground, grab some paper, color pencils, and go at it. 

While I have had the opportunity to go to both to Undergrad and Graduate School in Art, my Grandpa was not as fortunate. He always loved art, but, it was more of a hobby instead of a career. Leon Frank is a "self-taught" artist. And, at 90 years old, he still wants to learn more about drawing and painting. He asked if I could continue teaching him starting this year.

I don't know how he does it, but, he has inspired me yet again! This is what being a TRUE ARTIST is all about! It's about always wanting to improve upon your work and grow! There is never a point when you are satisfied, this is why we keep on painting! The more we do, the better (hopefully), we get.  It is an honor to teach a man who IS the reason WHY I became INTRIGUED with ART!

Below is a painting done my Grandfather, Leon Frank, of Yosemite, California. Also, a picture of my Grandparents when my Grandpa was only 85, he looks pretty much the same. He still works 6 days a week! If this does not inspire you, then I don't know what could!??!


Leon Frank, "Yosemite"

Picture of my Grandparents Leon & Peggy Frank, taken 5 years ago.

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