Wednesday, January 29, 2014

1-29-13 Busy/Crazy Week

Hello everyone,

I know that I need to work on my blogging and get a better schedule. Usually, I wouldn't want to make an excuse. But, thus past week has been insane. My grandma had spinal/neck surgery. She came out okay, but it's a serious surgery so I prioritized.

I went to San Francisco over the weekend and saw the Ansers Zorn show at the Legion of Honor. Amazing show, his water colors astounded me! If you're in the Bay Area, go see that show. It closes up in SF on the 2nd of February. While I was in San Francisco I also took lots of reference photos for paintings. It's always nice to see the city. Thanks to those who took out their time to see me! If I couldn't see you, all is good, life happens:)

I started my first portrait painting workshop last Wednesday in Agoura Hills, CA. If you are interested, please let me know. There are spaces still available. 7-10pm oil portrait painting class. Lots of fun! I'm very proud of my students. They've never painted a live model before and they all did a great job!

The show for Richeson 75 Small Works 2014 is up online and you can see my oil painting, " Tenaya Lake," on their website at 

I also am honored  to announce that I have been invited to the 5th Annual Aspen Plein Air 2014 hosted by the Sheridan Arts Foundation. I want to thank the judges and I am looking forward to going to Aspen, Colorado this up and coming July!

Thanks for your patience, I plan on blogging lots more. I think I'm going to do a painting a day for the month of February so keep posted!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15, 2014. How to stay positive.

Hello Fello Artists, Art Lovers, and Friends,

The biggest thing any artist has to overcome is their own self-doubt. It is very easy to go down that "rabbit hole," and sometimes very hard to get out.

I have a fear of the unknown and sometimes it turns into self-doubt.  While I am an extremely positive person, it is easy to be unsure of the future and concerned. Not all artists are sensitive people, I can be. It's just who I am.

So, let me explain how I can turn things around. If I stay on the fear and uncertainty, it eventually feels like I'm stuck in quicksand.  When I've seen movies/shows where there is someone in quicksand they reach out for something to grab, asking for help from the people near them.

My number one rule is not to be afraid to talk to someone about your fears, you have people that care about you and will listen to your worries like you will listen to theirs. Whether it be about your painting, shows, teaching jobs, money issues, etc. you have to be able to open up. I find keeping these feelings bottled up just makes things worse in the end.

  1. Talk to someone, it helps hearing an outside perspective from your own thoughts
  2. Remember something that you're proud of accomplishing
  3. Make a few new goals (even if it's to be not so hard on yourself)
  4. Remember that you get to do what you love. 
  5. Try to stop living in the future because it will only be a mystery. 
  6. Stop worrying about things in the past that have brought you down because it's already history.
  7. START focusing on today, now because the present is a GIFT. 
I know many people who cannot focus on the NOW, including myself. This is just a reminder that you can do it and you're not the only one who flounders every now and then.

THANKS for listening, I had a rough morning and got myself out of it.  I hope I can help you out as well.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014, In-Progress Painting

Hello Everyone!

I enjoy painting commissions and having work to do. Sometimes, it's really nice to set up a side project and work on something that you want to paint. I've been painting this child's portrait for the past couple of days. It is so nice to paint from the heart. I've been wanting to paint this for a while and it's awesome when you can find time for yourself.

Here's some in-progress shots of the painting thus far, there is still lots of work to be done. I hope you enjoy the painting. The later photos are a bit washed out in the face area, but it's pretty exciting.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4, 2014. Portrait Painting Workshop Announcement!

Hello Everyone!

I hope that your 2014 has been treating you well thus far!  I have been extremely excited about this year! I am starting my own Workshop this year! I have a STUDIO that I've rented out for evenings. It's pretty cool.

During the day, Evolution Audio & Video in Agoura Hills, California.
During the evening, Samantha Fried's Art Studio!! in Agoura Hills, California.

I want to thank my Uncle Jay and my Grandpa for this. Evolution is their business and thanks to them, I have a place to teach! I will forever be in their debt for giving me this opportunity!

Now to the Good STuFf!!! I'm starting an Ongoing Portrait Painting Workshop! Here's the Info!

Duration of Each Workshop: 8 Weeks
When: Wednesday nights, 7-10pm, January 22nd to March 12th, 2014
Location: 5341 Derry Ave. Suite S. Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Cost: $250 (this includes the model fee)
There is limited space in the class so please contact me at

Those of you who join the workshop, I will send you a supply list.

Thanks for all your support, I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Samantha Fried

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1, 2014. Donations to S.T.A.R.T. Rescue

Hello Everyone,
2013 has been a great and busy year. I know I haven't been blogging much, but, I'm back in full swing.

First and foremost, there is a wonderful organization named S.T.A.R.T. Rescue. S.T.A.R.T. Rescue is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and spay/neuter of homeless animals throughout Southern California. For more information, please visit their website at START RESCUE

I've created a donations page on my website. A percentage of all paintings on that page will be donated to START RESCUE. Also, ALL PAINTINGS ARE ON SALE!

You can check it out on my DONATIONS PAGE

There is also a painting I will be donating to the organization. Titled, "Indy," it's an oil painting on linen of the pit bull Indy who was horribly attacked during Independence Day weekend of 2013. He was strapped with fireworks and lit ablaze, thanks to START, he's had many surgeries and is ready for a permanent home. When the ART AUCTION for this painting occurs, I will definitely announce the DATE!

Indy, Oil on Linen, 18"x24"