Monday, October 14, 2013

What's in a Name? October 14, 2013.

Hello Everyone!

I am trying to bring some more life back into my BLOG.  I appreciate all of you who keep following me. I also apologize for being absent from Social Media for so long. I didn't fall off the face of the planet. I got married. My husband and I did most of the planning and decorating for our wedding. We didn't realize how much work and planning and time can go into one day! Then, that one day is here and gone.

I am happy to announce that I am now Mrs. Bryant Wilson which brings me to our discussion today: What's in a Name?

At home, when I write checks, and for many other things I will be known as Samantha Wilson. However, in the Art Industry, my professional name will stand as Samantha Fried. The reason I will be professionally known as Samantha Fried should not be too much of a shocker.

In case if it is, here is why I have essentially 2 names.

First off, I love my husband and I wanted to share his name. But, I can't go switching my name in the Fine Art World. I have been honored to showcase in a couple Museums, and Juried Shows throughout the past couple years. I am also represented by 2 galleries: Bright's Gallery of Fine ARt in Ontario and The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, CA. I could go on, but, I'm not one to toot my horn. I am just making a point, people know me as Samantha Fried. I have been working hard to have people recognize my name and art. If I change my professional name, I could have a minor set-back with my artistic career.

It is true that eventually I can let everyone know that my name has changed and not my accomplishments or style, but, for me, it's easier to stick with Samantha Fried. Essentially, I am trying to brand my Art and I can make my art successful by sticking to name that everyone is familiar with.

Now, this is only my personal choice. Each artist can do whatever he/she pleases. I know another artist that didn't even change her name when she got married because too many people knew her art by her original name. It's an interesting matter to discuss. Feel free to pipe in! Otherwise, I could probably go on about this for an extremely long time.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club 117th Annual Art Exhibit

I am honored to announce that "Beach Painting," my painting of an artist painting at Muir Beach, California, has been accepted into the Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club's 117th Annual Art Exhibit. The show will be held from October 1st to October 25th at the National Art's Club at 15 Gramercy Park South, New York City, New York. 212.475.3424

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's Been A While....

Hello Everyone!

My apologies for taking an extremely long time to BLOG about anything. I've been getting ready for my own wedding that is coming up in less than a month!

So, while there has been some exciting things going on with my art career, other things got me occupied.

Here's my exciting NEWS~!

  1. I'm in a 3 Person Art Show with Sidharth Chaturvedi & Lindsey Millikan titled: Beyond Academia. The Show is up at The Frame Gallery, at 5907 Kanan Road, Agoura Hills, California. We had a successful opening reception. If you haven't had a chance to see it yet, the show will be up until the 20th of JULY, so come and check it out!
    "Cowgirls," Oil on Canvas, 20"x24"
  2. I had my first Plein Air Painting Retreat in Mammoth Lakes, California. This was from June 22nd to June 23rd. I had 6 wonderful students who joined me.  It was lots of fun and the weather was wonderful, couldn't ask for a better weekend of painting! Keep your eyes open, I plan on having more retreats in the future! 
    My students, myself, & 3 adorable Aussies in Mammoth Lakes, CA
  3. I'm honored to announce that my painting "China Town," won an Honorable Mention Award in the Texas Spirit Art Show in Graham, Texas. You can check it out on this link below:  And my painting, "Dreaming Red," was also showcased in the exhibit as well:)
    "China Town," Oil on Panel, 18"x24"
  4. If you check out the August Issue of Southewest Art Magazine you will find my work in the "Women in Art" issue. Also, if you check out towards the back of the magazine you will see an AD with my painting as well! 
    "Giddyup," Oil on Canvas, 24"x20"

Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24, 2013. You're invited to a 3-Person Art Show!

Hello Everyone,

I have been talking about this show in previous posts on my BLOG.  Finally, here is the official invitation to the show with all the appropriate information.

You’re cordially invited to an art show!

Next month, I will be participating in my first gallery show of 2013 at The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, California.  The three-artist show is entitled: Beyond Academia. The exhibition showcases Sidharth Chaturvedi, Lindsey Millikan, and myself, Samantha Fried.  The three of us first came together as fellow MFA graduates from the Academy of Art University and are currently practicing professional fine artists. This show is a celebration of our friendship, our artistic variety, and our growth as painters.  We would be delighted if you would join us for our opening reception, Saturday, June 15, 2013, from 6p.m. to 9p.m.  Please stop by, as it should be a very fun evening with good food, drink, company, and Fine Art.

Opening Reception: Saturday, June 15, 2013.
Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Gallery: The Frame Gallery, 5907 Kanan Road, Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Gallery Phone: 818.991.8161

If you are unable to make the opening reception, the exhibition will be up from June 13th to July 20th 2013.

We hope that you can join us in this celebration of our very eclectic art!

Best Regards,
Samantha Fried

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013. Lots of Painting!

Hey Everybody,

I hope your week is treating you well. I have been extremely productive this week. I worked on a painting of a running horse and finished one of my paintings for my 3 person art show with Lindsey Millikan & Sidharth Chaturvedi.

Still thinking of a title for the girl in the horse costume, up for SUGGESTIONS!

Feel free to leave a comment!


In-progress painting, 22"x28"

Currently figuring out a title. Oil on Canvas, 24"x20"

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013. Honored to be in SHOW!

Hello Everyone,

I am pleased to announce that 2 paintings of mine got accepted into the Texas Spirit Art Show!

I am honored that "China Town," & "Dreaming Red," were chosen for this competition. The show will be open to the public June 22, 2013.  The show's location is at the Old Post Office Museum and Art Center in Graham, Texas. The office hours for the Museum are Tuesday through Friday 9:00 to 4:00.

The show will be open until July 12, 2013. If you are in the area, please stop by.  I feel blessed to send my paintings to such a wonderful show.
"China Town," Oil on Panel, 18"x24"

"Dreaming Red," Oil on Canvas, 20"x24"

Tuesday, May 21, 2013. Lots of work done!

Hello Everyone!

Over the past couple of days I've started 2 new paintings for my up and coming 3 person art show with Sidharth Chaturvedi & Lindsey Millikan. The show will be Saturday, June 15, 2013 from 6-9pm. The show is located at The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, CA.

2 of the pictures below are paintings for the show and 1 painting below is a finished painting I did in Jeremy Lipking's workshop. It was a 2-day pose.

I hope you all like the work!


Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013. Just started another painting!

Hey Everybody,

I started another painting for the 3 person art show I will be next month with Lindsey Millikan and Sidharth Chaturvedi.  Check it out!

I hope you all enjoy!

Have a lovely weekend!

In-progress painting, showing only half, 20"x60"

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013. A lot of progress!

Hello Everyone!

Today has been very eventful with my art. I painted at home and got close to finishing one of my paintings. Then, I went to The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, California, worked on another painting.

I am very excited with how my work is progressing. These 2 paintings are for my up and coming 3 person art show with Sidarth Chaturvedi and Lindsey Millikan. Expect all the details about the show tomorrow. Right now I can tell you that the show's opening is Saturday, June 15, 2013 at The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, CA. Also, I can tell you, it should be a pretty awesome show!

Here are my paintings in progress, I hope you like them! I'm having a blast painting them!

Hope you all had a wonderful Monday too!

In-Progress, Oil on Canvas, 24" x 20"

In-Progress, Oil on Canvas, 24" x 18"

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A few days late, Saturday, May 11, 2013.

Hello Everyone!

It's been a crazy and busy week, but, I didn't forget about you! A couple days ago I painted up a storm. Below is an image of my work in various stages of finish. It's not quite finished, but, I got a lot accomplished.  I did all this work in about 5 hours in one day.

I just wanted to show that with determination, the will to paint, and a double shot of expresso anything's possible. I hope you like. I am enjoying painting this particular piece because it tells a story and has some humor to it as well.

Without further ado, here is my progression of a current painting I'm working on for a 3 person art show coming up this June!

In-progress painting, 24"x20"

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013. Award & Finished 2 Day Pose!

Hello Everyone!

I'm humbled and excited to be recognized by Online Gallery: Light Space & Time for their Seascapes Art Competition.  Thank you so much for the honor of the Special Recognitions Award!  Out of 629 entries, I am so pleased and thankful.

Also, I wanted to show you my finished painting from Jeremy Lipking's workshop. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013. Plein Air Painting!!!!!

Hello I've had an eventful day!

Below is my last demo for my Spring Plein Air Painting Class through Conejo Valley Adult School.  And, I have put together some information for an awesome Plein Air Painting Retreat I will be having at the Mammoth Lakes, CA in June 2013.

Also, I will be starting up my Summer Classes at Conejo Valley Adult School: Pastel for Beginners & Drawing Workshop NEXT WEEK on Friday, May 10, 2013.

Pastel for Beginners will be from 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Drawing Workshop will be from 12:30-2:30 p.m.
8 Friday classes for only $125 + material fees.

You can register for classes at the link below!

"Oak Park Meadow," Oil on Panel, 8" x 8"

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 2013. Horse progressions with multiple paintings.

Hello Everyone!

Here are 2 paintings that I've been working on the past couple of days. One, I just finished the drawing today. It's of a horse running, I'm happy with the proportions and the motion.

The second painting is a detail of my cowgirl painting, I'm getting closer with this painting which makes me extremely excited!

Both of these paintings will be for a 3 person show that I will be in.  This 3 person art show will include 2 very talented artists and good friends of mine: Sidarth Chaturvedi and Lindsey Millikan.  If you click on their names above, it should send you to their websites, pretty cool work!

The show should be very fun! It will be at The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills, opening day TBA, most likely Saturday June, 16th. I will keep you all posted on the info!

Meanwhile, I hope you like my art!

Detail of my cowgirls painting, 20" x 24"
Finished drawing for a painting, 22" x 28"

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013. Painting Progressing!

Hello Everyone!

The two paintings that I am showing you right now are not finished yet. Even though they aren't done yet, I am happy with the direction they are both going into.

Let me make a side note. Every time I start a child's face the colors always look strange on my first pass. Once I make a second pass over the girl's face it will make a lot more sense. So remember, "in-progress."

The painting with the 2 cowgirls is much closer to being done so I'm happier with that one at the moment. I think that's only because I have less work to do.

Here they are! I hope you like them!

In-progress 20"x24" Oil on Canvas

In-progress 24"x18" Oil on Canvas

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013. Started another New Painting!

Hello Everyone!

I started yet another new painting! I'm really happy with this series I am making right now. I hope you all enjoy!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Just keep painting!

Hello Everyone!

I apologize that I haven't blogged in a while. Crazy week. But, here's what I've been up to.  I've been painting a lot lately.  I enjoyed this week thoroughly. I hope you like my progress as well! I finished my nude painting in Jeremy Lipking's workshop. Also, I've started 2 new paintings for an up and coming show!


"Woman's Back," Oil on Linen, 12" x 9"

In-Progress painting 24"x20"

In-Progress painting 24"x18"

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Belated, Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Plein Air Demo!

Hey Everybody!

I hope you are enjoying your week! I'm sorry that I didn't post yesterday, it ended up being a busier day than expected. When I finally got home, I was too tired to attempt blogging.

I also want to apologize for the picture below. It's not the photo and you can see the texture of the canvas. When I get a chance to retake a photo I'll repost the painting. Until then, here is my Demo that I did yesterday at El Matador State Beach in Malibu, CA.

I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013. Workshop 1st sitting of 2 day pose.


Tonight, not only did I get to paint at Jeremy Lipking's Workshop, I also got to meet another Wonderful artist and Person, Michelle Dunaway. It was a complete honor to meet Michelle and paint beside both of them.

The painting isn't finished yet, we still have another sitting.  So, the painting is still "in-progress." I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013. Demos & Painting!! Busy Art Day!

Hey There!

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! Today has been an extremely fun and productive day!! I went to El Matador State Beach in Malibu with my Saturday Plein Air Painting Class. It was a bit misty and foggy at first, but, it warmed up a bit, so we weren't too cold while painting.

After class, I came back home and started a new painting of 2 cowgirls riding horses. I've been wanting to do Southwest inspired artwork for a while, my Grandpa was a cowboy after all. I am so happy that I started this, it's really enjoyable. Expect more horse paintings from me! Also, I'll keep you posted on the progress of this particular painting as well!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope you like my paintings!

"El Matador State Beach," Oil on Panel, 9"x12"

In-progress painting. Very beginning stages.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013. Quick Study Day!

Hello Everyone!

Today, I did 2 very different quick studies. I'm thinking about doing a larger painting in the near future with running horses, so I did a study of one of those horses. I wasn't quite happy with the horse, I want to work and study the anatomy of the horse first. Sometime, photo references aren't enough.

Then, I did another quick study of a family friend's daughter. I'm working on becoming looser with my brushstrokes and I'm very happy where I am headed. I hope you like them too! I'm in the need of help for the painting's title for the little girl. I'm open to suggestions!

Horse quick study

Looking for a title!!!! Please help!!!! 14"x11"

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013. 2 Class Demos!

Hello Everyone!

I'm SLIPPING!!! I should have blogged two days ago, but Life happened. I know!! Not a good excuse. Well, Here are 2 Demos that I've done! One demo I did on Wednesday at El Matador State Beach in Malibu, one was drawing portrait I did from a photo. I hope you like both of them! I'm really having a lot of fun creating art!!!


"Morning's Haze," Oil on board, 9"x12"

Demo done with Charcoal

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013. First Day of a 2 Day Pose

Hello There,

Today, I worked on the 1st day of a 2 day pose! Love painting a LIVE MODEL~!! Thanks to Jeremy Lipking for his workshop and choice of model and pose.

Now remember, I have another day to work on my painting to Refine it, SO, it's not finished just yet. I hope you like the progress of my painting.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013. Live Model Painting!

Hello Again!

Today, I got to attend Jeremy Lipking's workshop! It was AMAZING! I haven't painted a live model in a long while so I was a bit nervous, but I have to say I'm pretty happy with the outcome! I hope you all ENJOY!

"Girl with Feather Boa," Oil on Canvas, 14"x11"

SORRY!! 3 Days Late on this Post! 3/23/13

Hello Everyone!

Sorry I didn't post anything this weekend. It was more packed than usual, I didn't even get a chance to go to my computer.

Without further ado, here is a Plein Air painting I worked on during class. I painted one of my students, she ended up moving a lot so I had to make a lot of things up. Such is painting from life!

I hope you enjoy!

"Artist At Work," Oil on Panel, 10" x 8"

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013. Plein Air Painting Demo!

Hello Everyone,

Today I took my Plein Air Painting Workshop to Oak Park, California.  There is a gorgeous area before the dog park. We set up the easels and started painting. I surprised that the weather was actually decent and not too cold. Originally, it was supposed to rain today. We couldn't really complain about the temperature (which is always a nice thing.)

Without further ado, here is my Plein Air Demo.

"Oak Park Hills," Oil on Panel, 9"x12"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Finished the boy Painting!

Hello Everyone!

Here is my finished PAINTING of the little boy wearing a NEwsies hat for a commission. I'm in the need of YOUR help!  Let's figure out a title together!

I hope you like the painting! I loved creating it!

Currently needs a title! Oil on Canvas 20"x16"

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013. Plein Air Painting!

Hey There!

Today, I took my other Plein Air Painting class to Paramount Ranch as well. It is such a great location to go and paint! There are so many views to look at, it's incredible!  I looked at the OLD WESTERN TOWN and thought, I'd like to give that a try! Here is my demo that I did for my class!

I hope you like it!

"Paramount Ranch," Oil on Panel, 9"x12"

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013. Demo for Drawing Class


Today, I worked with my Beginning Drawing Students on how to draw glass. I gave a little lecture and jumped into a demo for them. I forgot how much fun drawing glass is! Here's my demo!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Class Demos!

Hey Everyone!

Today was very productive. I painted a plein air painting at Paramount Ranch in Agoura Hills, CA. Then, I tutored my 10 year old student in the afternoon. I did demos for all my students today. I did a painting demo for my Plein Air Workshop and a Charcoal drawing demo of a turtle for my younger student.

Below are my demonstrations, I hope you like them! I enjoyed creating them!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013. Landscape Quick Study!

Hey There Everyone!

I'm having a productive start to my week! I taught my Pastel for Beginners Class this morning and after a lunch break went straight over to The Frame Gallery in Agoura Hills and painted another quick study.

This is a study of a Hawaiian sunset that I fell in love with will on vacation there years ago. I always wanted to paint that sky and now I have. I hope you like it! It's up for sale at The Frame Gallery.


"Maui Sunset," Oil on Panel, 6" x 6"

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013. Feeling Better & Painting!

Hello Everybody!

I hope everyone's schedule isn't messed up by the Time Change today. I love that the days are longer, staying lighter out later.  I'll definitely be going out to paint more.

Finally, I feel 100%.  The "sickness" that has been going around caught up with me, but, I feel better. Now, that I have my energy back I started painting again.

Here are my 2 paintings I worked on! They are both In-Progress, still, they will be finished soon. I'll keep you posted.


In progress painting, Oil on Canvas, 20"x16"

In progress painting, Oil on Canvas, 20"x16"